Partner Schools:
1. Szkola Podstawowa Nr. 30 Wroklaw, Poland
2. Işikepe Ruveyde Dortcelik Ilkogretim Okulu, Bursa, Turkey
3. Dimotiko Scholei O Perivolion, Larnaca, Cyprus
4. Direzione Didattica Statale G. Cirincione 2, Circolo Di Bagheria CF81002330827, Bagheria, Italia
5. Leip Manuel Foguet ,Vinaros, Spain
6. Offentliche Volkschule St. Peter Am Wimberg, St. Peter Am Wimberg, Austria
7. Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 9 Nicolae Orghidan Braşov, Romania
”Time and Community- The Comenius Dimension” is an educational adventure during a journey in time around Europe, during each pupil study time as a stunning complex subject.
As part of a planned curriculum project, with elements of European citizenship education, pupils in each school will consider, discuss, produce and share work, on their own cultures (past and present), by looking at aspects of time.
Partner Schools:
1. Szkola Podstawowa Nr. 30 Wroklaw, Poland
2. Işikepe Ruveyde Dortcelik Ilkogretim Okulu, Bursa, Turkey
3. Dimotiko Scholei O Perivolion, Larnaca, Cyprus
4. Direzione Didattica Statale G. Cirincione 2, Circolo Di Bagheria CF81002330827, Bagheria, Italia
5. Leip Manuel Foguet ,Vinaros, Spain
6. Offentliche Volkschule St. Peter Am Wimberg, St. Peter Am Wimberg, Austria
7. Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 9 Nicolae Orghidan Braşov, Romania
”Time and Community- The Comenius Dimension” is an educational adventure during a journey in time around Europe, during each pupil study time as a stunning complex subject.
As part of a planned curriculum project, with elements of European citizenship education, pupils in each school will consider, discuss, produce and share work, on their own cultures (past and present), by looking at aspects of time.

Neatly written and well presented post. Thank you for sharing this valuable information.